Friday, August 10, 2018

Marble Slabs

How marble is formed and what it consists of
The origin of marble as a result of metamorphism has long been proven by scientists. Metamorphism itself is a transformation within rocks of the earth's crust of rocks of sedimentary and igneous origin. In this case, the solid state of the substance is preserved, and its water-resistance becomes very high. The resulting stone is usually a substance with a very high degree of hardness. Therefore, many products from it came from antiquity to the present day, becoming for man indisputable evidence of the magnificence of ancient empires and civilizations.

How is marble formed? As a result of complex chemical processes that begin under the action of pressure and different temperatures inside the earth's crust. Its formation occurs gradually: limestone and dolomites are recrystallized, and over time, an amazing rock appears as marble, in which its unique crystal structure is very visible with the simple eye.

When we talk about marble, it is important to understand that minerals are substances that are included in rocks and not vice versa. Natural marble incorporates such minerals as chalcedony, feldspar, hematite, and quartz, which are formed in different ratios to each other. What amount of such impurities it contains, directly depends on the characteristics of marble: appearance, hardness, structural features, and scope of application.

Marble, the origin of which is mainly due to the formation of calcite mineral in its composition, is called calcite, and if dolomite is present in the rock to a greater extent, it is customary to speak of a dolomite stone. As for the very origin of the word “marble”, the brilliance and beauty of it once struck the Greeks so that they called it: ???????? - “a brilliant stone”.

African St. Laurent Black Marble Stone Slabs NYC
African St. Laurent Black Marble Stone Slabs NYC

Botticino Fiorito Marble Slab NYC
Botticino Fiorito Marble Slab NYC

Confusion Dark Marble Slab
Confusion Dark Marble Slab